There are many good things and unfortunately bad things that come from Globilazation of small business. As a entrepeneur or small business owner there are many things to be aware of including the issues with accesibility, overhhead costs, visibility, and advertising when you plan on competing online against other companies.
Small business owners that have mom and pop type shops will find it more difficult to compete with business that deal in e-commerce if they dont have a online store of their own. With consumers having the ability to buy and sell online they well be far less likely to drive from store to store to compare products and prices. In the world that we live in today gas is too expensive and time is too precious to find the best bargain in your local store.
Brick and Mortar businesses will also have a hard time keeping their overhead down if they primarily operate within the walls of their building and not online. It can take up to 10 people to run a small store that doesn't participate in e-commerce. Now give that business a website and the 10 employees can probably be reduced to 5-7 people. Now imagine a business that operates primarily online, you might only need 2-4 people to operate that business successfully.
Visibility is also a problem for small businesses. With the monster businesses across the world like Wal-Mart, Dell, Amazon etc. small businesses wil have a tough time obtaining a decent ranking on search engines which is what most consumers check first. This is partially because big businesses have big websites which could have hundreds or thousands of incoming and outgoing links to their site.
Advertising can also pricey for a small business online. Some advertisers use a programs that are based around bidding per click and being a small business it might be difficult to engage in bidding wars with larger companies while trying to get more traffic to your site.
Accessibility, overhead and Advertising are just a few potential negatives small businesses might face due to globalization but I believe the pros far out number the cons.
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